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Summer camps, research internships, REU programs, scholarships, fellowships, and postdoctoral positions in Bioengineering. Can't find what you are looking for? Try our advanced search.

Skip to programs for:
K-8 Students • High School Students • K-12 Educators • Undergraduate Students • Post-Baccalaureate • Graduate Students • Postdoc & Early Career • Faculty & Administrators • 

K-8 Students

University of California, Merced

(Merced, CA)
• Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines (CCBM): Virtual Sessions
Designed for the local community and beyond, these engaging and interactive STEM-focused sessions cover a range of fascinating topics related to Scien ... read more

High School Students

Northwestern University

(Evanston, IL)
• Research Experience and Mentoring Summer Program in Regenerative Engineering - Northwestern University
The Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) Program at Northwestern's Center for Advanced Regenerative Engineering offers six young researchers the op ... read more

Santa Clara University

(Santa Clara, CA)
• Summer Engineering Seminar (SES)
This special summer experience is for current high school sophomores and juniors who are interested in exploring the field of engineering. The program ... read more

University of California, Merced

(Merced, CA)
• Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines (CCBM): Virtual Sessions
Designed for the local community and beyond, these engaging and interactive STEM-focused sessions cover a range of fascinating topics related to Scien ... read more

K-12 Educators

• Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines (CCBM): Virtual Sessions
Designed for the local community and beyond, these engaging and interactive STEM-focused sessions cover a range of fascinating topics related to Scien ... read more

Undergraduate Students

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

(Washington, DC)
• Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Summer Internship Program for HBCU/MI Undergraduate Students
Naval research Laboratory Summer Research Program for HBCU/MI Undergraduate Students is offering a 10-week summer internship in Washington DC. The pro ... read more

Arizona State University

(Tempe, AZ)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Baylor College of Medicine

(Houston, TX)
• The Summer Undergraduate Research Training (SMART) Program
The Summer Undergraduate Research Training (SMART) Program was developed to provide frontier-level, biomedical summer research projects for undergradu ... read more

BHW Group

(Austin, TX)
• Women in STEM Scholarship
The Women In STEM Scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate female students. You must be pursuing a degree in science, technology, engin ... read more

Boston College

(Chestnut Hill, MA)
• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more

Boston University

(Boston, MA)
• NSF REU Site in Integrated Nanomanufacturing
The NSF REU Site: Integrated Nanomanufacturing at Boston University provides immersive summer research experiences for undergraduates. Participants wi ... read more

Buck Institute for Research on Aging

(Novato, CA)
• Buck Institute Gap-Year Research Program
Postbaccalaureate Researchers will have the opportunity to investigate insights into the critical molecular and biological drivers of aging as well as ... read more

• Buck Institute Summer Scholars Program
The Buck Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to investigate insights into the critical molecular and biological driv ... read more

California Institute of Technology

(Pasadena, CA)
• Amgen Scholars Program at Cal Tech
Caltech's Amgen Scholars program provides students the opportunity to conduct research in biology, chemistry, and bio-technical related fields under t ... read more

California State University, Northridge

(Northridge, CA)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates in Materials Science (PCCM)
Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM)'s REU program provides opportunities for undergraduates to carry out research at the forefront of materi ... read more

Carnegie Mellon University

(Pittsburgh, PA)
• Carnegie Mellon - University of Pittsburgh Joint Summer Undergraduate Program in Computational Neuroscience
Undergraduates interested in receiving research training in computational neuroscience are encouraged to apply to an NIH-sponsored summer program at t ... read more
an IBP member program
• Quality of Life Technology (QoLT) and ASPIRE REU Programs
American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering: ASPIRE focuses its Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program on research in the ... read more

Case Western Reserve University

(Cleveland, OH)
• CanSUR Program
Cancer-focused Summer Undergraduate Research (CanSUR) is a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded program meant to generate excitement in highly m ... read more

Center for Genetically Encoded Materials

(Boston, MA)
• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more

Clark Atlanta University

(Atlanta, GA)
• NSF REU Site: Application of Data Science to Chemistry
Chemistry majors and other STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) majors interested in the interface between materials chemistry and data sc ... read more

Columbia University

(New York, NY)
• Summer Research Program (SRP) for Undergraduates at the Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
The Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics at Columbia University is an interdisciplinary institute located on the Morningside Heights Campus, and focus ... read more

Cornell University

(Ithaca, NY)
• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more

Duke University

(Durham, NC)
• Summer Undergraduate Research Program -Grand Challenges of Engineering for the 21 Century
The Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University is offering a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) progra ... read more

Fisk University

(Nashville, TN)
• FUTURE-MINDS-QB Doctoral Bridge Training in Biomedical Data Science and Quantitative Biology
FUTURE-MINDS-QB is an NIH-funded training program that bridges between master's programs at Fisk University and doctoral programs at the University of ... read more

Florida International University

(Miami, FL)
• STROBE Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences
STROBE is an NSF Science and Technology Center coordinating six institutions across the US to build the microscopes of tomorrow. Our research includes ... read more
an IBP member program

Fort Lewis College

(Durango, CO)
• STROBE Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences
STROBE is an NSF Science and Technology Center coordinating six institutions across the US to build the microscopes of tomorrow. Our research includes ... read more
an IBP member program

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU Program
CMaT Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU program is a summer research program that will fund undergraduate students assigned to CMaT labs at: Georgia ... read more

• Jungle Biomechanics Lab - Funded research trip to the Amazon rain forest
Applications are open this year for "Jungle Biomechanics Lab," a fully-funded two-week program that we are running in August at Finca Las Piedras in t ... read more

• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more

• Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering Science
Each summer, approximately 40 students of at least junior-level undergraduate standing are recruited on a nationwide basis and paired with both a facu ... read more

Harvard Medical School

(Boston, MA)
• INDECS Scholarship
The MBI Inclusive, Diverse and Equitable Communities Success (INDECS) Scholarship advances the DBMI Diversity Mission to help build and support a dive ... read more
an IBP member program
• Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program in Biomedical Sciences
SHURP is a ten-week summer research program primarily for college students belonging to groups that are under-represented in the sciences. SHURP pres ... read more

• Summer Research Opportunity Program in Biology
The Undergraduate Summer Internship is our headline program for bringing new minds into our scientific community. Each year, we recruit a vibrant coho ... read more
an IBP member program

Harvard University

(Cambridge, MA)
• SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholars Program
The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as canc ... read more

• Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program in Biomedical Sciences
SHURP is a ten-week summer research program primarily for college students belonging to groups that are under-represented in the sciences. SHURP pres ... read more

Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute (HWI)

(Buffalo, NY)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Iowa State University

(Ames, IA)
• Integrated Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Integrated Research Experience for Undergraduates provides students interested in chemical-related sciences and engineering the opportunity to pur ... read more

John A. Logan College

(Carterville, IL)
• Southern Illinois Bridges to the Baccalaureate
The Southern Illinois Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (SI Bridges) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and provides paid biomedi ... read more

Johns Hopkins University

(Baltimore, MD)
• NeuroHIV Comorbidities Scholars Program (JHNeurophytes)
This multi-year undergraduate summer research program is offered to students studying neuroHIV-comorbidities research and plan to pursue graduate or m ... read more

• Paid Research Experience for Undergraduates in Nanotechnology for Biology and Bioengineering
Students majoring in the STEM fields participate in research projects in the exciting and rapidly growing area of nanobiotechnology, a place where bio ... read more

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

(Cambridge, MA)
• Biology/Neuroscience Summer Internship Program (MSRP BIO)
10-week research intensive summer program for talented rising junior and senior science majors from non-research intensive colleges and Universities. ... read more

Montana State University

(Bozeman, MT)
• REU Site: Exploring the Limits of Life - Understanding Biofilms in Extreme Environments
Montana State University's centers of excellence, the Thermal Biology Institute (TBI) and the Center for Biofilm Engineering (CBE), in Bozeman, Montan ... read more
an IBP member program

NASA Ames Research Center

(Moffett Field, CA)
• NASA's Space Life Sciences Training Program Summer Internship
The Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) provides undergraduate students entering their junior or senior years, and entering graduate students ... read more

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)

(White Plains, NY)
• NACME Administered Scholarships
Through the NACME Scholars Program, NACME provides block grants to colleges and universities that, in turn, award the money to talented African Americ ... read more

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

(Bethesda, MD)
• Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship Program (BESIP)
The NIBIB sponsored Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship (BESIP) is for undergraduate biomedical engineering students who have completed their jun ... read more

• National Institute of Environmental Health Services-Scholars Connect Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) office is seeking undergraduate students to parti ... read more

Northwestern University

(Evanston, IL)
• Materials Research Science and Engineering Center: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
The NU-Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Summer REU program is a 9 week interdisciplinary program focused on multi-functional nanoscal ... read more

• Research Experience and Mentoring Summer Program in Regenerative Engineering - Northwestern University
The Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) Program at Northwestern's Center for Advanced Regenerative Engineering offers six young researchers the op ... read more

• Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Nanotechnology
Hands-on research infuses the traditional undergraduate curriculum with excitement. To date, the IIN has provided 387 students with a glimpse into the ... read more

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

(Oak Ridge, TN)
• DOE Office of Technology Transitions Entrepreneurship Program (Nationwide Program)
The Office of Technology Transfers Entrepreneurship Program provides paid opportunities for undergraduate students to explore and contribute to advanc ... read more

• HHS Summer Indian Health Service Internship
Multiple internship opportunities are available with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Indian Health Service (IHS), located in Be ... read more

• National Institute of Environmental Health Services-Scholars Connect Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) office is seeking undergraduate students to parti ... read more

Pennsylvania State University

(State College, PA)
• Integration of Biology and Materials Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Students participating in the program will engage in a wide range of research projects that integrate biology and materials science and will participa ... read more

• Summer Translational Cardiovascular Science Institute (STCSI)
The Penn State Summer Translational Cardiovascular Science Institute, sponsored by the American Heart Association, is also supported by the Penn State ... read more

Princeton University

(Princeton, NJ)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates in Materials Science (PCCM)
Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM)'s REU program provides opportunities for undergraduates to carry out research at the forefront of materi ... read more

Rice University

(Houston, TX)
• NSF REU in Multi-Scale Biomolecular Networks (BioNetworks)
The goal of this program is to provide students first-hand experience with cutting-edge interdisciplinary research that is needed to predict biologica ... read more

Rutgers University

(New Brunswick, NJ)
• REU in Cellular Bioengineering: From Biomaterials to Stem Cells
Rutgers is the home to a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site on Cellular Bioengineering -- From Biomaterials to Stem Cells. This program ... read more
an IBP member program

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

(La Jolla, CA)
• SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholars Program
The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as canc ... read more

Sanford Research

(Sioux Falls, SD)
• SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholars Program
The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as canc ... read more

SENS Research Foundation

(Mountain View, CA)
• SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholars Program
The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as canc ... read more

Shawnee Community College

(Ullin, IL)
• Southern Illinois Bridges to the Baccalaureate
The Southern Illinois Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (SI Bridges) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and provides paid biomedi ... read more

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

(Menlo Park, CA)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

(Carbondale, IL)
• Southern Illinois Bridges to the Baccalaureate
The Southern Illinois Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program (SI Bridges) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and provides paid biomedi ... read more

Stanford University

(Stanford, CA)
• Canary Cancer Research Education Summer Training (CREST) Program
The Canary Center at Stanford is a world-class research center dedicated to early cancer detection. To train the next generation of interdisciplinary ... read more

• Stanford Cardiovascular Institute Undergraduate Summer Research Program
The Stanford Cardiovascular Institute (CVI) is offering a 10-week Summer Research Program in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Medicine for Undergraduate s ... read more

• Stanford Radiological Sciences Laboratory Summer Internship/REU Program
The Radiological Sciences Laboratory (RSL) is a research division of the Stanford School of Medicine Radiology Dept., specializing in Biomedical Imagi ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Albany

(Albany, NY)
• Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in RNA
The University at Albany, State University of New York, is a newly awarded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site. Undergraduates will par ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo

(Buffalo, NY)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

• The CLIMB UP for Summer Research
The CLIMB Undergraduate Program for Summer Research is an opportunity for undergraduate students to perform research and gain understanding of graduat ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Stony Brook

(Stony Brook, NY)
• Summer Research Opportunity for Undergraduates (REU) in Nanotechnology for Health, Energy and the Environment
Stony Brook University is excited to accept applications for the REU: Nanotechnology for Health, Energy and the Environment program. This competitive ... read more
an IBP member program

Tufts University

(Boston, MA)
• SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholars Program
The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as canc ... read more

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

(Washington, DC)
• HHS Summer Indian Health Service Internship
Multiple internship opportunities are available with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Indian Health Service (IHS), located in Be ... read more

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez

(Mayagüez, PR)
• Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU Program
CMaT Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU program is a summer research program that will fund undergraduate students assigned to CMaT labs at: Georgia ... read more

University of California, Berkeley

(Berkeley, CA)
• Amgen Scholars Summer Research Program in Science and Biotechnology
The Amgen Scholars Program is a national program to increase research opportunities for students committed to pursuing careers in the sciences. This p ... read more

• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more

• SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholars Program
The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as canc ... read more

• STROBE Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences
STROBE is an NSF Science and Technology Center coordinating six institutions across the US to build the microscopes of tomorrow. Our research includes ... read more
an IBP member program

University of California, Irvine

(Irvine, CA)
• STROBE Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences
STROBE is an NSF Science and Technology Center coordinating six institutions across the US to build the microscopes of tomorrow. Our research includes ... read more
an IBP member program

University of California, Los Angeles

(Los Angeles, CA)
• STROBE Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences
STROBE is an NSF Science and Technology Center coordinating six institutions across the US to build the microscopes of tomorrow. Our research includes ... read more
an IBP member program

University of California, Merced

(Merced, CA)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

• CCBM Summer Internship Program (C-SIP)
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship is a 9-week undergraduate research fellowship at the University of California, Merced.

-Research experienc ... read more

University of California, San Diego

(La Jolla, CA)
• Advanced Materials Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
The UC San Diego MRSEC Research Experiences for Undergraduates REU program provides full-time summer undergraduate research opportunities at the foref ... read more
an IBP member program

University of California, Santa Barbara

(Santa Barbara, CA)
• Future Leaders in Advanced Materials (FLAM)
The Future Leaders in Advanced Materials (FLAM) program brings science and engineering majors from all over the country to UCSB for a summer research ... read more

University of Chicago

(Chicago, IL)
• UD CPI (Center for Plastics Innovation) Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
Research opportunities in polymers, catalysis, enzyme engineering, and data science at UD’s Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI). Experience in chemic ... read more

University of Colorado, Boulder

(Boulder, CO)
• Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Bridge to the Doctorate Program
The University of Colorado Boulder is accepting applications for our newly funded LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate program in engineering, computer scien ... read more

• STROBE Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences
STROBE is an NSF Science and Technology Center coordinating six institutions across the US to build the microscopes of tomorrow. Our research includes ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Delaware

(Newark, DE)
• UD CPI (Center for Plastics Innovation) Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates
Research opportunities in polymers, catalysis, enzyme engineering, and data science at UD’s Center for Plastics Innovation (CPI). Experience in chemic ... read more

University of Georgia

(Athens, GA)
• Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU Program
CMaT Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU program is a summer research program that will fund undergraduate students assigned to CMaT labs at: Georgia ... read more

• Interdisciplinary Research Experiences at the Interface of Nanotechnology and Biomedicine
The REU program will provide an interdisciplinary research experience at the interface of nanotechnology and biomedicine to undergraduate students fro ... read more

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

(Urbana, IL)
• FUTURE-MINDS-QB Doctoral Bridge Training in Biomedical Data Science and Quantitative Biology
FUTURE-MINDS-QB is an NIH-funded training program that bridges between master's programs at Fisk University and doctoral programs at the University of ... read more

University of Kansas

(Lawrence, KS)
• Research Experiences for Undergraduates: IDEA Incubator in Porous Materials
The IDEA Incubator is an exciting program that seeks to nurture innovations in porous materials by 'Integrating Discovery, Engineering and Art' (IDEA) ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Kentucky

(Lexington, KY)
• Engineered Bioactive Interfaces and Devices REU
The REU program at the University of Kentucky provides a 10-week multidisciplinary summer research and education experience for rising junior and seni ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Maine

(Orono, ME)
• Explore It! Building the Next Generation of Sustainable Energy Researchers
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship inThe University of Maine and University of Concepción, Chile. This research experience is funded by the Nat ... read more

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

(Amherst, MA)
• Integrated Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Integrated Research Experience for Undergraduates provides students interested in chemical-related sciences and engineering the opportunity to pur ... read more

• Leadership Academy Online Summer Program
The Leadership Academy is an annual online summer program designed to advance the success of undergraduate students who are traditionally underreprese ... read more

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• Optics in the City of Light - and international REU program from the University of Michigan in Paris, France
This year the Optics in the City of Light Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) will offer 13 undergraduate junior level students the opportuni ... read more

• Research opportunities for undergraduates Materials Science and Engineering (NSF EFRI REM)
We are inviting undergraduate students to participate in the six open positions for the on-campus and hands-on research experiences in three Materials ... read more

• Summer at Cern in Geneva, Switzerland
The CERN Summer Student Programme offers students pursuing bachelor’s or master’s degrees in physics, computing, engineering and maths a unique opport ... read more

University of Minnesota

(Minneapolis, MN)
• Center for Sustainable Polymers Summer Research Program
The Center for Sustainable Polymers is a NSF Center for Chemical Innovation whose mission is to transform how plastics are made and unmade through inn ... read more

• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more

University of Missouri, Columbia

(Columbia, MO)
• REU in Material Science and Engineering
The future of materials research demands a workforce whose interdisciplinary academic and research training extends from materials design, to manufact ... read more

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

(Lincoln, NE)
• REEU: Expanding Opportunities In Agricultural Sciences: Crop-to-Food Innovation
This 10-week summer REEU in Crop-to-Food Innovation will allow students to integrate fundamental science discovery with its translation to understand ... read more

University of Pennsylvania

(Philadelphia, PA)
• Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM) Summer Research Program
The LRSM has hosted NSF-REU programs since 1989 during which approximately 600 students have spent 10 weeks working on individual research projects wi ... read more

• Singh Center for Nanotechnology Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Singh Center for Nanotechnology at the University of Pennsylvania seeks highly qualified and motivated undergraduate applicants for its Research f ... read more

• Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering Mechanobiology
The Center for Engineering MechanoBiology (CEMB) seeks motivated undergraduate students for a summer research program. Students have the opportunity t ... read more
an IBP member program
• SUPERS@PENN - Summer Research Program for Educating Radiation Scientists
NIH funded summer research internship opportunity in Cancer Research, with an emphasis on radiation biology, medical physics and medical imaging. Bio ... read more

University of Pittsburgh

(Pittsburgh, PA)
• Carnegie Mellon - University of Pittsburgh Joint Summer Undergraduate Program in Computational Neuroscience
Undergraduates interested in receiving research training in computational neuroscience are encouraged to apply to an NIH-sponsored summer program at t ... read more
an IBP member program
• Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering (ELeVATE)
ELeVATE is a program designed to re-integrate veterans to college through a three-phased program.

Phase I: participants will complete a ten-week p ... read more

• Quality of Life Technology (QoLT) and ASPIRE REU Programs
American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering: ASPIRE focuses its Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program on research in the ... read more

University of Washington

(Seattle, WA)
• Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates
The CSNE at the University of Washington sponsors a 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates on the Seattle campus during the summer. This prog ... read more

University of Wisconsin, Madison

(Madison, WI)
• Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU Program
CMaT Cell Manufacturing Technologies REU program is a summer research program that will fund undergraduate students assigned to CMaT labs at: Georgia ... read more

• Integrated Research Experience for Undergraduates
The Integrated Research Experience for Undergraduates provides students interested in chemical-related sciences and engineering the opportunity to pur ... read more

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

(Milwaukee, WI)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Vanderbilt University

(Nashville, TN)
• REU Site: Nanoscale Materials Science and Engineering
The Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of biology, ch ... read more

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

(Blacksburg, VA)
• Biomedical Engineering and Informatics Summer Research Experience Internship Program - REU
The Department of Biomedical Engineering and Center for Biomedical Informatics at Wake Forest University School of Medicine invite current undergradua ... read more

Wake Forest University

(Winston-Salem, NC)
• Biomedical Engineering and Informatics Summer Research Experience Internship Program - REU
The Department of Biomedical Engineering and Center for Biomedical Informatics at Wake Forest University School of Medicine invite current undergradua ... read more

Washington University

(St. Louis, MO)
• Cardiovascular Research Summer Program (WashU CardS)
The Washington University Cardiovascular Research Summer Program (WashU CardS) is designed to encourage undergraduate students from academic instituti ... read more

• Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering Mechanobiology
The Center for Engineering MechanoBiology (CEMB) seeks motivated undergraduate students for a summer research program. Students have the opportunity t ... read more
an IBP member program

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

(Worcester, MA)
• Bioengineering Research, Career Development, and Outreach
The WPI Biomedical Engineering Department offers two Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs funded through the National Science Foundat ... read more
an IBP member program

Yale University

(New Haven, CT)
• NSF Center for Genetically Encoded Materials Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-GEM SURP)
C-GEM invites applications from undergraduates who are interested in exploring the intersection of chemistry and biology. No prior research experience ... read more


BHW Group

(Austin, TX)
• Women in STEM Scholarship
The Women In STEM Scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate female students. You must be pursuing a degree in science, technology, engin ... read more

Buck Institute for Research on Aging

(Novato, CA)
• Buck Institute Gap-Year Research Program
Postbaccalaureate Researchers will have the opportunity to investigate insights into the critical molecular and biological drivers of aging as well as ... read more


(Redondo Beach, CA)
• Explore a Career as a STEM Teacher Fellowship
The EnCorps STEM Teachers Fellowship recruits, selects, develops and supports the best and brightest STEM professionals and military veterans, as an i ... read more

Fisk University

(Nashville, TN)
• FUTURE-MINDS-QB Doctoral Bridge Training in Biomedical Data Science and Quantitative Biology
FUTURE-MINDS-QB is an NIH-funded training program that bridges between master's programs at Fisk University and doctoral programs at the University of ... read more

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• Jungle Biomechanics Lab - Funded research trip to the Amazon rain forest
Applications are open this year for "Jungle Biomechanics Lab," a fully-funded two-week program that we are running in August at Finca Las Piedras in t ... read more

Harvard Medical School

(Boston, MA)
• INDECS Scholarship
The MBI Inclusive, Diverse and Equitable Communities Success (INDECS) Scholarship advances the DBMI Diversity Mission to help build and support a dive ... read more
an IBP member program

NASA Ames Research Center

(Moffett Field, CA)
• NASA's Space Life Sciences Training Program Summer Internship
The Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) provides undergraduate students entering their junior or senior years, and entering graduate students ... read more

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

(Urbana, IL)
• FUTURE-MINDS-QB Doctoral Bridge Training in Biomedical Data Science and Quantitative Biology
FUTURE-MINDS-QB is an NIH-funded training program that bridges between master's programs at Fisk University and doctoral programs at the University of ... read more

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• Research opportunities for undergraduates Materials Science and Engineering (NSF EFRI REM)
We are inviting undergraduate students to participate in the six open positions for the on-campus and hands-on research experiences in three Materials ... read more

University of Pittsburgh

(Pittsburgh, PA)
• Experiential Learning for Veterans in Assistive Technology and Engineering (ELeVATE)
ELeVATE is a program designed to re-integrate veterans to college through a three-phased program.

Phase I: participants will complete a ten-week p ... read more

Postdoc & Early Career

Bunker Hill Community College

(Boston, MA)
• Tufts IRACDA Postdoctoral Program
The Tufts IRACDA Program provides talented postdoctoral scholars with the career skills needed to succeed in academic biomedical research. New faculty ... read more
an IBP member program

Burroughs Wellcome Fund

(Research Triangle Park, NC)
• Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP)
The Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP) provides a total of $60,000 over three years to support the career development activities for underrepresen ... read more


(Redondo Beach, CA)
• Explore a Career as a STEM Teacher Fellowship
The EnCorps STEM Teachers Fellowship recruits, selects, develops and supports the best and brightest STEM professionals and military veterans, as an i ... read more

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• Jungle Biomechanics Lab - Funded research trip to the Amazon rain forest
Applications are open this year for "Jungle Biomechanics Lab," a fully-funded two-week program that we are running in August at Finca Las Piedras in t ... read more

• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

Pennsylvania State University

(State College, PA)
• Postdoctoral Scholars Program
Pennsylvania State University invites applications for postdoctoral scholars in a variety of STEM disciplines.Please visit the website to search for t ... read more

Stanford University

(Stanford, CA)
• Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program
Stanford School of Medicine’s Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program seeks to:

1)Attract and train talented postdocs who would bring diversity (broad ... read more

an IBP member program

Suffolk University

(Boston, MA)
• Tufts IRACDA Postdoctoral Program
The Tufts IRACDA Program provides talented postdoctoral scholars with the career skills needed to succeed in academic biomedical research. New faculty ... read more
an IBP member program

Tufts University

(Boston, MA)
• Tufts IRACDA Postdoctoral Program
The Tufts IRACDA Program provides talented postdoctoral scholars with the career skills needed to succeed in academic biomedical research. New faculty ... read more
an IBP member program

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

(Washington, DC)
• Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: NIFA Fellowships Grant Program
NIFA provides AFRI grants to support research, education and extension activities in six Farm Bill priority areas:

•Plant Health and Production and ... read more

University of California, Berkeley

(Berkeley, CA)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

University of California, San Diego

(La Jolla, CA)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

(Urbana, IL)
• Grainger Distinguished Postdoc Program - The Grainger College of Engineering
The Grainger College of Engineering seeks to hire postdoctoral researchers to work with faculty in one or more of its twelve academic departments and/ ... read more

University of Massachusetts, Boston

(Boston, MA)
• Tufts IRACDA Postdoctoral Program
The Tufts IRACDA Program provides talented postdoctoral scholars with the career skills needed to succeed in academic biomedical research. New faculty ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

University of Pennsylvania

(Philadelphia, PA)
• Provost's Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Postdoctoral Fellowship program seeks to attract promising researchers and educators from different backgrounds, races, ethnic groups, and other d ... read more

Faculty & Administrators

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

University of California, Berkeley

(Berkeley, CA)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

University of California, San Diego

(La Jolla, CA)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• NextProf Nexus: Faculty Development Workshop
NextProf Nexus - sponsored by program partners, the University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, and Georgia Tech - is part of a nationwide effort to strength ... read more

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Program Icons

a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

icon indicating a short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

icon indicating a nationwide programNationwide programs are not based at individual institutions

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram Just Posted

a suitcase denotes portable fundingPortable Funding

a globe denotes funding for international studentsFunds International Students

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