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Applied Mathematics

Summer camps, research internships, REU programs, scholarships, fellowships, and postdoctoral positions in Applied Mathematics. Can't find what you are looking for? Try our advanced search.

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High School Students • K-12 Educators • Undergraduate Students • Post-Baccalaureate • Graduate Students • Postdoc & Early Career • Faculty & Administrators • 

High School Students

Arizona State University

(Tempe, AZ)
• Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program
The Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program is intended for mature and motivated students who are interested in academic careers requiring mathemat ... read more

Mathematics Foundation of America

(Cambridge, MA)
• Canada/USA Mathcamp
Mathcamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students. More than just a summer camp, Mathcamp is a vibr ... read more
an IBP member program

Michigan State University

(East Lansing, MI)
• Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN)
The Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) is a free residential summer program for high school students in the U.S. PAN participants will explore scientific ... read more

University of Maryland, College Park

(College Park, MD)
• MathQuantum Summer Research - Paid Mentored Opportunity
Math students interested in quantum, join us to explore the intersection of mathematics and quantum information science (QIS).

In this program, you' ... read more

an IBP member program

University of Puget Sound

(Tacoma, WA)
• Canada/USA Mathcamp
Mathcamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students. More than just a summer camp, Mathcamp is a vibr ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Washington

(Seattle, WA)
• College of Engineering Math Academy
The College of Engineering Math Academy helps students develop the math and problem-solving skills necessary to succeed in engineering and exposes stu ... read more

K-12 Educators

Emory University

(Atlanta, GA)
• Computational Mathematics for Data Science
The Emory Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers site focuses on computational mathematics and its applications in data science, which im ... read more


(Washington, DC)
• NASA Science Explorer Ambassador Program
NASA Science Explorer Ambassadors will work with the NASA SciX team to introduce the NASA Science Explorer digital library to new audiences. Their lea ... read more

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

(Cambridge, MA)
• NASA Science Explorer Ambassador Program
NASA Science Explorer Ambassadors will work with the NASA SciX team to introduce the NASA Science Explorer digital library to new audiences. Their lea ... read more

Undergraduate Students

Alabama A&M University

(Normal, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

Alabama State University

(Montgomery, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

American Meteorological Society

(Washington, DC)
• AMS Minority Scholarship
The AMS Minority Scholarships will award funding to minority students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, especially Hispani ... read more

Arizona State University

(Tempe, AZ)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Auburn University

(Auburn, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

Boston University

(Boston, MA)
• Bioinformatics Diversity Travel Fellowship
BU Bioinformatics has funds available through the BU Bioinformatics Diversity Travel Fellowship for prospective PhD students to visit Boston, tour the ... read more

California Institute of Technology

(Pasadena, CA)
• Undergraduate Research at LIGO
Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in the development of gravitational-wave science through the LIGO Project. This intensive summer ... read more

Carnegie Mellon University

(Pittsburgh, PA)
• Quality of Life Technology (QoLT) and ASPIRE REU Programs
American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering: ASPIRE focuses its Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program on research in the ... read more

Clarkson University

(Potsdam, NY)
• Mathematical Biology Team Science (MBioTS) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
The Mathematical Biology Team Science (MBioTS) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program will introduce students to interdisciplinary resea ... read more

• NSF REU on High Performance Computing with Engineering Applications
This Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) will be focused on High Performance Computing (HPC), a field critical to national security, scientifi ... read more

• REU in Environmental Science & Engineering
The objective of this summer program is to engage a diversified pool of undergraduate students in first-class research projects in Environmental Scien ... read more

Columbia University

(New York, NY)
• Biostatistics Enrichment Summer Training (BEST) Diversity Program
The Biostatistics Epidemiology Summer Training Diversity Program (BEST) was established to expand and diversify the behavioral and biomedical sciences ... read more

• Funded Post-Baccalaureate Research/Academic Opportunity (Bridge to the Ph.D. Program)
The Bridge to the Ph.D. Program in STEM aims to enhance the participation of students from underrepresented groups in STEM Ph.D. programs. The Bridge ... read more

• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program
• Research Program for Undergraduates in Materials Research
Our materials research program encompasses two research thrusts around the theme of building higher dimensional materials from lower dimensional struc ... read more

• Summer Research Program (SRP) for Undergraduates at the Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
The Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics at Columbia University is an interdisciplinary institute located on the Morningside Heights Campus, and focus ... read more

EarthScope Consortium

(Socorro, NM)
• Undergraduate Research Internships in Seismology (URISE) (Nationwide Program)
The Undergraduate Research Internships in Seismology (URISE) is newly named! URISE takes the place of the long-running IRIS REU Internship Program. ... read more
an IBP member program

Emory University

(Atlanta, GA)
• Computational Mathematics for Data Science
The Emory Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers site focuses on computational mathematics and its applications in data science, which im ... read more

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• Jungle Biomechanics Lab - Funded research trip to the Amazon rain forest
Applications are open this year for "Jungle Biomechanics Lab," a fully-funded two-week program that we are running in August at Finca Las Piedras in t ... read more

• Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Robotics
The overall goal of SURE Robotics is to expose undergraduate students to robotics research, and as a direct consequence, interest them in opportuniti ... read more

• Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering Science
Each summer, approximately 40 students of at least junior-level undergraduate standing are recruited on a nationwide basis and paired with both a facu ... read more

Georgia Southern University

(Statesboro, GA)
• NSF-REU: CollaborativE Multidisciplinary Investigations Through Undergraduate Research Experiences [CEMITURE]
I-CEMITURE (International-CEMITURE) awarded by the NSF Office of International Science & Engineering (OISE) is an International Research Experience fo ... read more
an IBP member program

Gulf of Maine Research Institute

(Portland, ME)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates in Ecosystem, Oceanographic and Economic studies.
One of the foremost challenges of our times is to understand the impacts of climate change on our coupled natural and human systems. This includes doc ... read more

Harvard Medical School

(Boston, MA)
• Summer Research Opportunity Program in Biology
The Undergraduate Summer Internship is our headline program for bringing new minds into our scientific community. Each year, we recruit a vibrant coho ... read more
an IBP member program

Harvard University

(Cambridge, MA)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute (HWI)

(Buffalo, NY)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

(Geneva, NY)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS)
The Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS) REU provides research opportunities for undergraduate students early in their ed ... read more

Indiana University, Bloomington

(Bloomington, IN)
• REU in Mathematics
Our program has an emphasis on theory centered projects, but there are also applied mathematics projects. We offer the opportunity to work mostly one ... read more

Johns Hopkins University

(Baltimore, MD)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Los Alamos National Laboratory

(Los Alamos, NM)
• Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop
The Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop seeks to bring to the Laboratory a diverse group of graduate and exceptional undergraduate students ... read more

• Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship
The Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship is an intense 10-week program aimed at providing students with a solid foundation in modern high per ... read more

Louisiana State University

(Baton Rouge, LA)
• Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences
This REU is a ten week program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. We are planning an in person e ... read more

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

(Cambridge, MA)
• Summer Geometry Initiative
The Summer Geometry Initiative (SGI) is a six-week paid summer research program introducing undergraduate and graduate students to the field of geomet ... read more

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

(New York, NY)
• Quantitative Sciences Undergraduate Research Experience (QSURE)
The QSURE internship program is designed for motivated undergraduate students with a passion for quantitative science. Each student will be paired wit ... read more

Mississippi State University

(Mississippi State, MS)
• Research Experiences for Undergraduates - Computational Methods with Applications in Materials Science
The Center for Computational Sciences at Mississippi State University will be hosting a summer REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program s ... read more

Montclair State University

(Montclair, NJ)
• PSEG Institute for Sustainability Science Green Teams Program
The PSEG Institute for Sustainability Studies is pleased to announce our summer GREEN TEAMS Internship Program. This is the eighth year that this prog ... read more
an IBP member program

Moravian University

(Bethlehem, PA)
• REU: Research Challenges of Computational Methods in Discrete Mathematics
The Mathematics Program of Moravian University invites applications for a NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program that will concentr ... read more

Mount Washington Observatory

(North Conway, NH)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS)
The Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS) REU provides research opportunities for undergraduate students early in their ed ... read more


(Washington, DC)
• Human Lander Challenge (HuLC)
When Artemis astronauts land on the Moon, their spacecraft will stir up a cloud of dust. This effect is called plume-surface interaction (PSI) and it ... read more

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

(Huntsville, AL)
• Human Lander Challenge (HuLC)
When Artemis astronauts land on the Moon, their spacecraft will stir up a cloud of dust. This effect is called plume-surface interaction (PSI) and it ... read more

National Institute of Aerospace

(Hampton, VA)
• Human Lander Challenge (HuLC)
When Artemis astronauts land on the Moon, their spacecraft will stir up a cloud of dust. This effect is called plume-surface interaction (PSI) and it ... read more

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder

(Boulder, CO)
• NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program (Virtual)
Since 1993, SURF students from across the country have had the opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on experience, working with cutting edge technology ... read more

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

(Bethesda, MD)
• Master's in Data Science Fellowship at NIH CARD
Are you interested in data science and passionate about brain health? Do you love coding but want to work with real-world data that can have an impact ... read more

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

(Washington, DC)
• REU Site: Real-World Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the National Weather Center
The National Weather Center (NWC) in Norman, Oklahoma invites motivated undergraduate students from any major who are interested in a career in scient ... read more

Northeastern University

(Boston, MA)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Northwestern University

(Evanston, IL)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program
• Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program
The Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program offers summer research fellowships to undergraduates. This program allows undergraduate ... read more

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

(Oak Ridge, TN)
• DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) is now accepting applicatio ... read more

• Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program (MEISPP)
The Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program provides 10-week summer paid internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate s ... read more

Oakwood University

(Huntsville, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

Ohio State University

(Columbus, OH)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Oregon State University

(Corvallis, OR)
• Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Mathematics
This is an REU program in mathematics whose purpose is to give ten motivated and talented students an opportunity to learn the process of doing mathem ... read more

Plymouth State University

(Plymouth, NH)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS)
The Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS) REU provides research opportunities for undergraduate students early in their ed ... read more

Portland State University

(Portland, OR)
• altREU on Computational Modeling Serving Your Community
The altREU program on 'Computational Modeling Serving Your Community' is an alternative, fully online, project-based Research Experience for Undergrad ... read more

Rutgers University

(New Brunswick, NJ)
• DIMACS REU Program
The DIMACS REU program combines many associated subprograms, which are administered together and run concurrently as a single program. The programs su ... read more
an IBP member program
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Santa Fe Institute

(Santa Fe, NM)
• Undergraduate Complexity Summer Research
The Santa Fe Institute (SFI) Undergraduate Complexity Research (UCR) program is a 10-week residential experience in complex systems science. Students ... read more
an IBP member program

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

(Menlo Park, CA)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Space Telescope Science Institute

(Baltimore, MD)
• Space Astronomy Summer Program
Each summer, the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) brings a dozen highly motivated college students to Baltimore, Maryland, for a Space Astron ... read more

Stanford University

(Stanford, CA)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

State University of New York (SUNY), Albany

(Albany, NY)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS)
The Northeast Partnership for Atmospheric & Related Sciences (NEPARS) REU provides research opportunities for undergraduate students early in their ed ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo

(Buffalo, NY)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Texas A&M University

(College Station, TX)
• Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Mathematics
Texas A&M Mathematics hosts an 8 week summer program to introduce undergraduates to mathematical research. Our program areas are: Algorithmic Algebrai ... read more

Tuskegee University

(Tuskegee, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

(Washington, DC)
• Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI)
The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathe ... read more

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

(Washington, DC)
• DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) is now accepting applicatio ... read more

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)

(Boulder, CO)
• SOARS - Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science
SOARS, Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science, is an undergraduate-to-graduate bridge program designed to broaden participation ... read more

University of Alabama, Birmingham

(Birmingham, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

University of Alabama, Huntsville

(Huntsville, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

(Tuscaloosa, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

University of California, Davis

(Davis, CA)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

University of California, Merced

(Merced, CA)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

• CCBM Summer Internship Program (C-SIP)
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship is a 9-week undergraduate research fellowship at the University of California, Merced.

-Research experienc ... read more

University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

(San Diego, CA)
• Marine Physical Laboratory Summer Internship Program
The Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) at world-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego is currently seek ... read more

University of California, San Francisco

(San Francisco, CA)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Chicago

(Chicago, IL)
• Dept. of Physics REU in Contemporary Physics
The University of Chicago Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Physics, supported by the National Science Foundation offers ... read more

• Materials Research Science & Engineering Center Research Experiences for Undergraduates
The University of Chicago offers undergraduates the opportunity to gain research experience working in the laboratory or research group of MRSEC facu ... read more

University of Colorado, Boulder

(Boulder, CO)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Connecticut

(Storrs, CT)
• Computational Cell Biology Workshop
The 24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will take place at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling at UConn Health (Farmington, CT). ... read more

University of Georgia

(Athens, GA)
• Population Biology of Infectious Diseases
The Population Ecology of Infectious Disease Site REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program is excited to invite 8-10 students for this com ... read more

University of Iowa

(Iowa City, IA)
• Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics (ISIB)
The objective of the Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics (ISIB) is to provide biostatistical training and applied research opportunities to undergr ... read more

University of Kansas

(Lawrence, KS)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

(Baltimore, MD)
• Master's in Data Science Fellowship at NIH CARD
Are you interested in data science and passionate about brain health? Do you love coding but want to work with real-world data that can have an impact ... read more

University of Maryland, College Park

(College Park, MD)
• MathQuantum Summer Research - Paid Mentored Opportunity
Math students interested in quantum, join us to explore the intersection of mathematics and quantum information science (QIS).

In this program, you' ... read more

an IBP member program
• Physics Undergrad Summer Research - TREND (Teaching and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics)
TREND is a paid Physics summer research experience for undergrads (funded by NSF) focused on nonlinear dynamics. Physics, mathematics, and engineering ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates
This program is designed to provide outstanding undergraduates with the opportunity to pursue research under the tutelage of experienced faculty membe ... read more

• Summer at Cern in Geneva, Switzerland
The CERN Summer Student Programme offers students pursuing bachelor’s or master’s degrees in physics, computing, engineering and maths a unique opport ... read more

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

(Chapel Hill, NC)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

University of North Carolina, Charlotte

(Charlotte, NC)
• Math Research at UNC Charlotte
The Math Research at UNC Charlotte (MRC-REU) site will host undergraduate students working with faculty mentors for 10 weeks on research projects in ... read more

University of Oklahoma

(Norman, OK)
• REU Site: Real-World Research Experiences for Undergraduates at the National Weather Center
The National Weather Center (NWC) in Norman, Oklahoma invites motivated undergraduate students from any major who are interested in a career in scient ... read more

University of Pennsylvania

(Philadelphia, PA)
• Master's Bridge Program to a Doctorate in Statistics and Data Science
The Department of Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania seeks students for a Bridge Program to a Doctora ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Pittsburgh

(Pittsburgh, PA)
• Quality of Life Technology (QoLT) and ASPIRE REU Programs
American Student Placements in Rehabilitation Engineering: ASPIRE focuses its Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program on research in the ... read more

University of South Alabama

(Mobile, AL)
• Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC)
The Joint Space Weather Summer Camp (JSWSC) is an opportunity to learn about space physics in the context of meeting a very practical need -- to under ... read more

University of Southern California

(Los Angeles, CA)
• Southern California Earthquake Center/Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SCEC/SURE)
The Southern California Earthquake Center/Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SCEC/SURE) pairs a student, one-on-one, to conduct research with a ... read more

• Supported Opportunities for Undergraduates and Researchers to Collaborate on Earthquake Science (SOURCES)
Southern California Earthquake Center’s SOURCES program offers a remotely-mentored research experience to college students nationwide. Regardless of g ... read more

• Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT) Internship
The Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT) internship is a team-based undergraduate research program run by the Southern C ... read more

University of Texas, Austin

(Austin, TX)
• Paid Undergraduate Summer Research Internship in Computational Science & Engineering
The Moncrief Undergraduate Summer Internship Program provides support for undergraduate students of mathematics, science, and engineering to work with ... read more

University of Vermont

(Burlington, VT)
• Vermont EPSCoR SOCKS Undergraduate Internships
Looking for a paid summer internship? Interested in working with an active research team? Want to learn about data science and stories and find out wh ... read more

University of Washington

(Seattle, WA)
• Data Science in Oceanography, Summer Program for Undergraduate Students
The School of Oceanography at the University of Washington is excited to announce a reoccurring undergraduate summer program, 'Data Science in Oceanog ... read more

• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

(Milwaukee, WI)
• BioXFEL Summer Internship Program
BioXFEL is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center that focuses on promoting and advancing the study of biological molecules using ... read more

Vanderbilt University

(Nashville, TN)
• Paid Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
Interns in this geographically-distributed REU program have the opportunity to participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta ... read more
an IBP member program

Vermont State University

(Randolph Center, VT)
• Vermont EPSCoR SOCKS Undergraduate Internships
Looking for a paid summer internship? Interested in working with an active research team? Want to learn about data science and stories and find out wh ... read more

Washington State University

(Pullman, WA)
• FACT: Research Experience for Undergraduates on Phenomics Big Data Management
The research area is a new transdisciplinary field of research that is a critical interface between plant biology, engineering, and data sciences. Thi ... read more

West Virginia University

(Morgantown, WV)
• REU Site: Undergraduate Robotics Research in Human-Swarm Interaction
This NSF-funded REU Site: Undergraduate Robotics Research in Human-Swarm Interaction project will provide training, mentorship and support to underg ... read more

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

(Woods Hole, MA)
• Summer Student Fellowship Program
A research project is at the heart of the Summer Student Fellowship at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Fellows have the opportunity t ... read more
an IBP member program

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

(Worcester, MA)
• Summer Research Experience in Data Science
NSF REU SITE: Interdisciplinary Data Science Research For Safe, Sustainable And Healthy Communities. The Data Science Program offers a 10-week, all ex ... read more
an IBP member program

Yale University

(New Haven, CT)
• Yale Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
Each summer the Yale SURF Program brings a group of qualified undergraduates to Yale for eight weeks. The experience is meant to familiarize students ... read more


Aspen Global Change Institute (AGCI)

(Aspen, CO)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

Boston University

(Boston, MA)
• Bioinformatics Diversity Travel Fellowship
BU Bioinformatics has funds available through the BU Bioinformatics Diversity Travel Fellowship for prospective PhD students to visit Boston, tour the ... read more

California Institute of Technology

(Pasadena, CA)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

Columbia University

(New York, NY)
• Funded Post-Baccalaureate Research/Academic Opportunity (Bridge to the Ph.D. Program)
The Bridge to the Ph.D. Program in STEM aims to enhance the participation of students from underrepresented groups in STEM Ph.D. programs. The Bridge ... read more

EquiTech Futures

(Chicago, IL)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• Jungle Biomechanics Lab - Funded research trip to the Amazon rain forest
Applications are open this year for "Jungle Biomechanics Lab," a fully-funded two-week program that we are running in August at Finca Las Piedras in t ... read more

Harvey Mudd College

(Claremont, CA)
• Summer EDGE Program (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education)
The Summer program includes two four-week core courses; a mini-course on a selected area of mathematical research; and problem sessions aimed at prepa ... read more

Johns Hopkins University

(Baltimore, MD)
• RaMP: Post-Baccalaureate Training Program in Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Design
Trainees in this geographically distributed RaMP program participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software libr ... read more

Los Alamos National Laboratory

(Los Alamos, NM)
• Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop
The Computational Physics Student Summer Workshop seeks to bring to the Laboratory a diverse group of graduate and exceptional undergraduate students ... read more

• Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship
The Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship is an intense 10-week program aimed at providing students with a solid foundation in modern high per ... read more

Morehouse College

(Atlanta, GA)
• Summer EDGE Program (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education)
The Summer program includes two four-week core courses; a mini-course on a selected area of mathematical research; and problem sessions aimed at prepa ... read more

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

(Bethesda, MD)
• Master's in Data Science Fellowship at NIH CARD
Are you interested in data science and passionate about brain health? Do you love coding but want to work with real-world data that can have an impact ... read more

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

(Oak Ridge, TN)
• Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program (MEISPP)
The Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program provides 10-week summer paid internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate s ... read more

Pomona College

(Claremont, CA)
• Summer EDGE Program (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education)
The Summer program includes two four-week core courses; a mini-course on a selected area of mathematical research; and problem sessions aimed at prepa ... read more

Stanford University

(Stanford, CA)
• Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Fellows Program
The Stanford GSB Research Fellows Program offers a unique post-baccalaureate opportunity for high-potential individuals to come to Stanford to partici ... read more

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

(Washington, DC)
• Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI)
The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathe ... read more

University of California, Davis

(Davis, CA)
• RaMP: Post-Baccalaureate Training Program in Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Design
Trainees in this geographically distributed RaMP program participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software libr ... read more

University of Chicago

(Chicago, IL)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Connecticut

(Storrs, CT)
• Computational Cell Biology Workshop
The 24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will take place at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling at UConn Health (Farmington, CT). ... read more

University of Georgia

(Athens, GA)
• Post-Baccalaureate Training in Infectious Diseases Research
If you are a student with a strong interest in infectious diseases, this program offers you a bench science experience in any one of a number of resea ... read more

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

(Baltimore, MD)
• Master's in Data Science Fellowship at NIH CARD
Are you interested in data science and passionate about brain health? Do you love coding but want to work with real-world data that can have an impact ... read more

University of Maryland, College Park

(College Park, MD)
• MathQuantum Summer Research - Paid Mentored Opportunity
Math students interested in quantum, join us to explore the intersection of mathematics and quantum information science (QIS).

In this program, you' ... read more

an IBP member program

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• RaMP: Post-Baccalaureate Training Program in Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Design
Trainees in this geographically distributed RaMP program participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software libr ... read more

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

(Chapel Hill, NC)
• RaMP: Post-Baccalaureate Training Program in Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Design
Trainees in this geographically distributed RaMP program participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software libr ... read more

University of Pennsylvania

(Philadelphia, PA)
• Master's Bridge Program to a Doctorate in Statistics and Data Science
The Department of Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania seeks students for a Bridge Program to a Doctora ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Washington

(Seattle, WA)
• RaMP: Post-Baccalaureate Training Program in Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Design
Trainees in this geographically distributed RaMP program participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software libr ... read more

Wesleyan University

(Middletown, CT)
• RaMP: Post-Baccalaureate Training Program in Biomolecular Structure Prediction and Design
Trainees in this geographically distributed RaMP program participate in research using the Rosetta Commons software. The Rosetta Commons software libr ... read more

Postdoc & Early Career

Aspen Global Change Institute (AGCI)

(Aspen, CO)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

Brookhaven National Laboratory

(Upton, NY)
• IACS Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Institute for Advanced Computational Science offers a limited competition awarding up to 2 postdoctoral fellows per year. Postdoctoral Fellowships ... read more
an IBP member program

California Institute of Technology

(Pasadena, CA)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

EquiTech Futures

(Chicago, IL)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Atlanta, GA)
• Jungle Biomechanics Lab - Funded research trip to the Amazon rain forest
Applications are open this year for "Jungle Biomechanics Lab," a fully-funded two-week program that we are running in August at Finca Las Piedras in t ... read more


(Washington, DC)
• NASA Science Explorer Ambassador Program
NASA Science Explorer Ambassadors will work with the NASA SciX team to introduce the NASA Science Explorer digital library to new audiences. Their lea ... read more

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

(Boulder, CO)
• Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellowships
The postdoctoral program provides an opportunity for Ph.D. scientists to pursue their research interests in atmospheric and related science. The progr ... read more

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

(Oak Ridge, TN)
• Office of Technology Transitions Fellow
The mission of Office of Technology Transitionsis (OTT) to expand the commercial impact of the research investments of the U.S. Department of Energy ( ... read more
just posted!

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

(Cambridge, MA)
• NASA Science Explorer Ambassador Program
NASA Science Explorer Ambassadors will work with the NASA SciX team to introduce the NASA Science Explorer digital library to new audiences. Their lea ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Stony Brook

(Stony Brook, NY)
• IACS Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Institute for Advanced Computational Science offers a limited competition awarding up to 2 postdoctoral fellows per year. Postdoctoral Fellowships ... read more
an IBP member program

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

(Reston, VA)
• U.S. Geological Survey Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, Various Locations
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is seeking candidates for Mendenhall Research Fellows. The Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program provides an opport ... read more

University of California, San Diego

(La Jolla, CA)
• Rising Stars in Data Science
The Rising Stars in Data Science workshop, hosted by the University of Chicago in collaboration with the University of California San Diego, focuses o ... read more

University of Chicago

(Chicago, IL)
• Applied Data Institute
The Applied Data Institute at Equitech Futures empowers recent graduates and young professionals to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders i ... read more
an IBP member program
• Rising Stars in Data Science
The Rising Stars in Data Science workshop, hosted by the University of Chicago in collaboration with the University of California San Diego, focuses o ... read more

University of Connecticut

(Storrs, CT)
• Computational Cell Biology Workshop
The 24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will take place at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling at UConn Health (Farmington, CT). ... read more

University of Vermont

(Burlington, VT)
• VT EPSCoR Postdoctoral Associate Positions: The Science of Stories
Vermont EPSCoR's Science of Online Corpora, Knowledge, and Stories (SOCKS) research team is currently recruiting three prospective Postdoctoral Associ ... read more

Faculty & Administrators

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

(Oak Ridge, TN)
• DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) is now accepting applicatio ... read more

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

(Washington, DC)
• DHS Summer Research Team Program For Minority Serving Institutions
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team (SRT) Program for Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) is now accepting applicatio ... read more

University of Connecticut

(Storrs, CT)
• Computational Cell Biology Workshop
The 24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will take place at the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling at UConn Health (Farmington, CT). ... read more

Washington University School of Medicine

(St. Louis, MO)
• PRIDE Summer Institute in Cardiovascular Genetic Epidemiology
The primary objective of the Summer Institute in Genetic Epidemiology is to provide all-expense-paid training and mentoring in genetic epidemiology an ... read more

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Program Icons

a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

icon indicating a short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

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