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Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture (IoT4Ag) Research Experience for Undergraduates

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an IBP member program

Academic Level:
For most summer research programs, this is your upcoming status as of the fall. Always check with the individual program's website for details.

Undergraduates - First Year
Undergraduates - Sophomore
Undergraduates - Junior

Note: this opportunity encourages applications from community college students.

The NSF Engineering Research Center for the Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture (IoT4Ag) seeks undergraduate applicants for its Research for Undergraduate Experience (REU) Program . This program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to work with scientists from either Purdue University, the University of Florida, or the University of Pennsylvania on research to address the grand societal challenge of food, energy, and water security by advancing technologies that increase crop production while minimizing the use of energy and water resources and the impact of agricultural practices on the environment.

Projects will focus on the creation of internet of things (IoT) technologies from sensors, robotics, and energy and communication devices to data-driven models constrained by plant physiology, soil, weather, management practices, and socio-economics. These technologies will be integrated into systems that capture the microclimate and spatially, temporally, and compositionally map heterogeneous stresses allowing for better outcomes in crop production. Students will be matched to projects based on their background, interests, location preference, and the project needs and requirements. All projects will provide the opportunity to learn next-generation approaches and to develop experience working in at least one of the research facilities using state-of-the-art equipment. Students will gain experience with substantial aspects of doing science: experimental design, data collection, and communication of results. Students will also participate in activities that complement the lab research and help to develop broader scientific and career skills: seminars, paper discussions, career sessions, and skills workshops. Student participants will earn a stipend and, for in-person experiences will have housing accommodations and travel allowances that depend on each university's policies.

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
University of Pennsylvania (Lead)
Purdue University
University of Florida

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Agricultural Engineering
Chemical & Nuclear Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Computer & Electrical Engineering
Computer Sciences
Crop & Soil Sciences
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Agricultural Ecology
Agriculture Economics
Electrical Engineering
Electrochemical Science & Engineering
Engineering Research
Plant Pathology
Sensor Applications
Soil Science

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Page last updated 2/20/2024
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