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National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program

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Academic Level:
Postdoc & Early Career

The Coastal Management Fellowship was established in 1996 to provide on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for postgraduate students and to provide project assistance to state coastal zone management programs. The program matches postgraduate students with state coastal zone programs to work on projects proposed by the state and selected by the fellowship sponsor, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management. This two-year opportunity offers a competitive salary, medical benefits, and travel and relocation expense reimbursement.
Recently updated.

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
NOAA Coastal Services Center (Lead)
Nova Southeastern University

Program Materials:
 • Postdoc Website this link takes you to a different website

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Ecology & Evolution
General Earth & Agriculture Sciences

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This program is funded by:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Page last updated 7/6/2024
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