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Research and Teaching Assistantships

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Academic Level:
Graduate Students (Masters)

Assistantships are either teaching assistantships, where students typically instruct or assist in instructing introductory courses or labs, or research assistantships, where students work with a professor to collect, analyze, and/or communicate data on a wide range of education research projects. Students are expected to spend 20 hours a week on their assistantship responsibilities. Throughout the course of the MST program, students can expect to hold a combination of teaching and research assistantships.

The MST program is designed to benefit a wide range of students – recent science, math, or engineering graduates, current teachers, and established scientists, mathematicians, and engineers who are interested in making a career change into secondary teaching. There are 2 main tracks students can follow depending on their career goals. Both tracks have a common set of core courses, require a thesis project, and require the same total number of credits.

All full-time students in the program are supported by assistantships which provide the following benefits:

•Tuition waiver (up to 9 credits per semester during the academic year and 6 credits per semester during the summer)

•Stipend (approximately $20,800 for the calendar year0

•Payment for half the yearly cost of the University health insurance.

If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact:Susan McKay-Director and Graduate Student Coordinator - (207) 735-6755

RiSE Center Administrative Assistant- - (207) 581-4672

Application Deadline: 11/1/2024

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
University of Maine (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Program Website 

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:
Astronomy & Astrophysics
General Earth & Agriculture Sciences

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Page last updated 5/16/2024
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