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Conservation Biology & Wildlife

Summer camps, research internships, REU programs, scholarships, fellowships, and postdoctoral positions in Conservation Biology & Wildlife. Can't find what you are looking for? Try our advanced search.

Skip to programs for:
High School Students • K-12 Educators • Undergraduate Students • Post-Baccalaureate • Graduate Students • Postdoc & Early Career • Faculty & Administrators • Research Centers • 

High School Students

American Fisheries Society

(Bethesda, MD)
• Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program
The Hutton Junior Fisheries Biology Program (Hutton Program) is an educational program sponsored by the American Fisheries Society (AFS) for high scho ... read more

Dartmouth College

(Hanover, NH)
• Joint Science Education Project (JSEP)
The Institute of Arctic Studies at Dartmouth College facilitates a polar science program for U.S. students called the Joint Science Education Project ... read more
an IBP member program

Morton Arboretum

(Lisle, IL)
• Research Technician Fellowship
A Research Technician Fellowship at The Morton Arboretum is intended for high school or undergraduate students who are interested in experiencing scie ... read more

Museum of Discovery and Science

(Fort Lauderdale, FL)
• Everglades EcoExplorers Internship
The Everglades EcoExplorers internship is a program offered to high school learners interested in environmental education and the Everglades. The prog ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Oneonta

(Oneonta, NY)
• SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Summer Internship Program
SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station (BFS) Summer Internship program is a paid research opportunity. Undergraduate internships are 10-week positions ... read more

Tuskegee University

(Tuskegee, AL)
• AgDiscovery Summer Program
The AgDiscovery Summer Program is an outreach program to help students learn about careers in agriculture and related sciences, including animal scien ... read more

K-12 Educators

Chicago Botanic Garden

(Chicago, IL)
• Research Experience for Teachers with The Echinacea Project
Join our team to investigate ecology, evolution, and conservation biology in fragmented tallgrass prairie under the beautiful skies of Douglas County, ... read more

College of Wooster

(Wooster, OH)
• Research Experience for Teachers with The Echinacea Project
Join our team to investigate ecology, evolution, and conservation biology in fragmented tallgrass prairie under the beautiful skies of Douglas County, ... read more

Geological Society of America

(Boulder, CO)
• Scientists in Parks (SIP) Interns
Scientists in Parks provides immersive, paid work experiences in natural resource fields so the next generation of park stewards-especially those unde ... read more

Planet Bee Foundation

(San Francisco, CA)
• Innovative Standards-Based STEM Lessons (Nationwide Program)
We teach about the importance of bees to our food systems and ecosystems as a pathway to conservation and STEM fields, developing the green leaders of ... read more

U.S. National Park Service

(Washington, DC)
• Scientists in Parks (SIP) Interns
Scientists in Parks provides immersive, paid work experiences in natural resource fields so the next generation of park stewards-especially those unde ... read more

University of Minnesota

(Minneapolis, MN)
• Research Experience for Teachers with The Echinacea Project
Join our team to investigate ecology, evolution, and conservation biology in fragmented tallgrass prairie under the beautiful skies of Douglas County, ... read more

Undergraduate Students

Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch

(Elgin, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

Arizona State University

(Tempe, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

• Ecology Research Opportunity for Undergraduates
The Sala Lab at Arizona State University is looking for motivated undergraduate students to participate in research activities in grassland ecosystem ... read more

Auburn University

(Auburn, AL)
• Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program Undergraduate Research Experience
Immersive Undergraduate Research Experience The global climate is changing rapidly, already impacting both human and natural systems. Over the next fe ... read more

Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation

(Hampton, NH)
• Whale Research and Marine Science Education Internships
We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated people to join us for our Summer Whale Research and Marine Science Education Internship Programs. This is a ... read more

California Academy of Sciences

(San Francisco, CA)
• Summer Systematics Institute (SSI) REU
SSI is a nine-week paid research internship at our state-of-the-art research facility and museum in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. This world-renow ... read more

California Conservation Corps

(Sacramento, CA)
• Watershed Stewards Program
Join a team of 48 committed individuals throughout California engaged in watershed protection, community outreach and education, and restoration proje ... read more

California Sea Grant

(La Jolla, CA)
• Watershed Stewards Program
Join a team of 48 committed individuals throughout California engaged in watershed protection, community outreach and education, and restoration proje ... read more

Central Michigan University

(Mount Pleasant, MI)
• Great Lakes Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Central Michigan University is seeking undergraduate students to participate in a 10-week research experience for undergraduates (REU) program at its ... read more
an IBP member program

Chicago Botanic Garden

(Chicago, IL)
• Chicago Botanic Garden Summer REU: Genes to Ecosystems
The Chicago Botanic Garden hosts a summer research experiences for undergraduates (REU) internship program that focuses on plant biology and conservat ... read more

• Paid summer REU internship: Prairie Ecology in western MN
The Echinacea Project is recruiting students to conduct research in the tallgrass prairie. Team Echinacea investigates ecology and evolution in fragme ... read more

Clarkson University

(Potsdam, NY)
• REU in Environmental Science & Engineering
The objective of this summer program is to engage a diversified pool of undergraduate students in first-class research projects in Environmental Scien ... read more

Coral Restoration Foundation

(Tavernier, FL)
• Coral Conservation and Reef Restoration Internship
Coral Restoration Foundation is the world's largest non-profit marine-conservation organization dedicated to restoring coral reefs to a healthy state ... read more

Cornell University

(Ithaca, NY)
• Undergrad Internships at Shoals Marine Laboratory
Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) located on Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals, Maine offers summer research internships for undergraduate college studen ... read more

Dartmouth College

(Hanover, NH)
• Joint Science Education Project (JSEP)
The Institute of Arctic Studies at Dartmouth College facilitates a polar science program for U.S. students called the Joint Science Education Project ... read more
an IBP member program

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

(New York, NY)
• Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program
Each March we select 20 early-undergraduate Scholars from around the country to participate in a two-year conservation mentorship program focused on t ... read more

Ecological Society of America (ESA)

(Washington, DC)
• ESA-SEEDS Spring National Field Trip
The ESA SEEDS Program has opened applications for the Henry H. Gholz Spring National Field Trip to the Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) ... read more

• SEEDS - ESA Annual Meeting Travel Awards for Undergraduate Students and SEEDS Alumni
The Strategies for Education in Ecology, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) Program offers travel awards for Undergraduate Students and SEEDS Alumni ... read more

Fordham University

(New York, NY)
• The Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) Program - REU in Conservation and Urban Ecology
Our CSUR program is designed to provide undergraduates an opportunity to conduct an independent research project under the guidance of a Fordham Unive ... read more

Geological Society of America

(Boulder, CO)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

George Washington University

(Washington, DC)
• REU opportunities at the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available with the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological ... read more
an IBP member program

Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary

( Savannah, GA)
• Bridge to Research in Marine Sciences
The program provides three weeks of classroom, field, and laboratory work to build technical, scientific, communications and ethics skills with guest ... read more

Harvard University

(Cambridge, MA)
• Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology
The Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology is an 11-week research experience to pursue scientific inquiry in an immersive field station set ... read more

Howard University

(Washington, DC)
• Blandy Experimental Farm REU
Since 1992 Blandy has provided Undergraduate Research Fellowships to students interested in ecology and environmental science. We have been aided in t ... read more

Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study

(North Woodstock, NH)
• Summer REU Opportunity with the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study
The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, with funding from the National Science Foundation, Long Term Ecological Research program has openings for four ... read more

Kansas State University

(Manhattan, KS)
• USDA NIFA AFRI Rainfed Agriculture Innovation Network (RAIN) REU Program
This program is designed to provide future engineers and scientists with the skills and perspective necessary to address some of the world's future fo ... read more

Lewis and Clark Community College

(Godfrey, IL)
• REU site: Wetland Science in a Modern World, at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
In this summer program students will employ a modern integrative approach to wetland science that makes use of recent technological and theoretical de ... read more

Louisiana State University

(Baton Rouge, LA)
• Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program Undergraduate Research Experience
Immersive Undergraduate Research Experience The global climate is changing rapidly, already impacting both human and natural systems. Over the next fe ... read more

Maine Sea Grant

(Orono, ME)
• Maine Sea Grant – NOAA Fisheries Undergraduate Internships in Sea-run Fish Research
Maine Sea Grant is partnering with NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) to provide opportunities for undergraduates to gain experience in ... read more
an IBP member program

Maria Mitchell Association

(Nantucket, MA)
• Natural Science Museum Internship
The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) is offering two internship positions at its Natural Science Museum during the summer. The Natural Scien ... read more

Marine Biological Laboratory

(Woods Hole, MA)
• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

Maryland Sea Grant

(College Park, MD)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Estuarine Science
Are you looking for a summer research internship studying ocean, coastal or environmental science? We invite you to check out the Maryland Sea Grant S ... read more

Miami University

(Oxford, OH)
• The Ecology of Human-Dominated Landscapes
Miami University's Summer REU Program in Ecology and Environmental Science focuses on "The Ecology of Human-Dominated Landscapes." The program is fund ... read more

Michigan State University

(East Lansing, MI)
• Envision EEB Graduate Preview Weekend- Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program
Envision EEB: Graduate Preview Weekend at Michigan State University is an event created to ameliorate disparities in access to graduate education in b ... read more

Missouri Botanical Garden

(St. Louis, MO)
• REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Plant Systematics, Conservation Biology, and Ethnobotany
The Missouri Botanical Garden is pleased to announce a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program that will provide research opportunities ... read more

Moravian University

(Bethlehem, PA)
• REU opportunities at the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available with the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological ... read more
an IBP member program

Morton Arboretum

(Lisle, IL)
• Research Technician Fellowship
A Research Technician Fellowship at The Morton Arboretum is intended for high school or undergraduate students who are interested in experiencing scie ... read more

Mote Marine Laboratory

(Sarasota, FL)
• Mote Research Experience for Undergraduates
This program offers a paid, residential research experience for minority undergraduates and is designed to provide hands-on opportunities to participa ... read more

Mystic Aquarium

(Mystic, CT)
• Mystic Aquarium - Research Experiences for Undergraduates
The Mystic Aquarium Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) will recruit and support the training of students over 10 weeks during the summer. A ... read more
an IBP member program

National Audubon Society

(New York, NY)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

National Great Rivers Research and Education Center

(East Alton, IL)
• REU site: Wetland Science in a Modern World, at the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
In this summer program students will employ a modern integrative approach to wetland science that makes use of recent technological and theoretical de ... read more

National Marine Fisheries Service

(Silver Spring, MD)
• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

(Washington, DC)
• Watershed Stewards Program
Join a team of 48 committed individuals throughout California engaged in watershed protection, community outreach and education, and restoration proje ... read more

• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

National Science Foundation (NSF)

(Arlington, VA)
• The Ecology of Human-Dominated Landscapes
Miami University's Summer REU Program in Ecology and Environmental Science focuses on "The Ecology of Human-Dominated Landscapes." The program is fund ... read more

Native Plant Trust

(Framingham, MA)
• Marylee Everett Conservation Internship
Marylee Everett Conservation Internship Native Plant Trust is the nation's first plant conservation organization and the only one solely focused on Ne ... read more

New York Botanical Garden

(Bronx, NY)
• The Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) Program - REU in Conservation and Urban Ecology
Our CSUR program is designed to provide undergraduates an opportunity to conduct an independent research project under the guidance of a Fordham Unive ... read more

NOAA Sea Grant

(Silver Spring, MD)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Northern Arizona University

(Flagstaff, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

• REU site: Human Impacts on the Colorado Plateau: Place Based Research and Education
The research theme is place-based research and training which utilizes the unique ecology and cultural diversity of the Colorado Plateau and four corn ... read more

Northwestern University

(Evanston, IL)
• Chicago Botanic Garden Summer REU: Genes to Ecosystems
The Chicago Botanic Garden hosts a summer research experiences for undergraduates (REU) internship program that focuses on plant biology and conservat ... read more

Ohio State University

(Columbus, OH)
• Stone Lab Research Experience for Undergraduates Scholarship Program
Stone Lab's Research Experience for Undergraduates Scholarship Program brings together students from across the country to learn how to conduct real, ... read more

Oklahoma State University

(Stillwater, OK)
• USDA NIFA AFRI Rainfed Agriculture Innovation Network (RAIN) REU Program
This program is designed to provide future engineers and scientists with the skills and perspective necessary to address some of the world's future fo ... read more

Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

(Salem, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Oregon Sea Grant

(Corvallis, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Oregon State University

(Corvallis, OR)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates in Marine Sciences: From Estuaries to the Deep Sea
OSU offers paid research internships for 20-24 undergraduate students, funded by the National Science Foundation.

If you want to apply what you've ... read more

• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Portland State University

(Portland, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Rowan University

(Glassboro, NJ)
• Blandy Experimental Farm REU
Since 1992 Blandy has provided Undergraduate Research Fellowships to students interested in ecology and environmental science. We have been aided in t ... read more

San Francisco State University

(San Francisco, CA)
• Paid Summer Internship in Mentored Biology Research
Summer research experience for early career undergraduates to participate in full-time research career training in the fields of developmental biology ... read more

Savannah State University

(Savannah, GA)
• Bridge to Research in Marine Sciences
The program provides three weeks of classroom, field, and laboratory work to build technical, scientific, communications and ethics skills with guest ... read more

Sea Education Association

(Woods Hole, MA)
• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

Shoals Marine Laboratory

(Appledore Island, ME)
• Undergrad Internships at Shoals Marine Laboratory
Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) located on Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals, Maine offers summer research internships for undergraduate college studen ... read more

Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

(Savannah, GA)
• Bridge to Research in Marine Sciences
The program provides three weeks of classroom, field, and laboratory work to build technical, scientific, communications and ethics skills with guest ... read more

Smithsonian Institution

(Washington, DC)
• Paid Summer Internship in Mentored Biology Research
Summer research experience for early career undergraduates to participate in full-time research career training in the fields of developmental biology ... read more

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)

(Herndon, VA)
• Libbie H. Hyman Memorial Scholarship to study invertebrates at a marine, freshwater, or terrestrial field station
This scholarship, in memory of Libbie H. Hyman, one of America’s foremost invertebrate zoologists, provides assistance to students to take courses or ... read more

State University of New York (SUNY), Oneonta

(Oneonta, NY)
• SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Summer Internship Program
SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station (BFS) Summer Internship program is a paid research opportunity. Undergraduate internships are 10-week positions ... read more

Tulane University

(New Orleans, LA)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Parasite Ecology
The Wood Lab at the University of Washington is hiring four undergraduate students for a 10-week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) interns ... read more

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

(Washington, DC)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

• USDA NIFA AFRI Rainfed Agriculture Innovation Network (RAIN) REU Program
This program is designed to provide future engineers and scientists with the skills and perspective necessary to address some of the world's future fo ... read more

U.S. Department of the Interior

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

(Washington, DC)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

(Arlington, VA)
• Kendra Chan Conservation Fellowship
Do you love wildlife, environmental conservation, and using critical thinking to solve complex problems? Are you skilled in data analysis and communic ... read more

• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

U.S. Forest Service

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

• Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES)
The University of Hawaii at Hilo's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded internship progr ... read more

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

(Reston, VA)
• Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program Undergraduate Research Experience
Immersive Undergraduate Research Experience The global climate is changing rapidly, already impacting both human and natural systems. Over the next fe ... read more

• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Bayamón

(Bayamon, PR)
• Blandy Experimental Farm REU
Since 1992 Blandy has provided Undergraduate Research Fellowships to students interested in ecology and environmental science. We have been aided in t ... read more

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez

(Mayagüez, PR)
• Blandy Experimental Farm REU
Since 1992 Blandy has provided Undergraduate Research Fellowships to students interested in ecology and environmental science. We have been aided in t ... read more

University of Arizona

(Tucson, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

University of California, Berkeley

(Berkeley, CA)
• Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program
Each March we select 20 early-undergraduate Scholars from around the country to participate in a two-year conservation mentorship program focused on t ... read more

University of California, Santa Cruz

(Santa Cruz, CA)
• Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program
Each March we select 20 early-undergraduate Scholars from around the country to participate in a two-year conservation mentorship program focused on t ... read more

University of Colorado, Boulder

(Boulder, CO)
• Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program Undergraduate Research Experience
Immersive Undergraduate Research Experience The global climate is changing rapidly, already impacting both human and natural systems. Over the next fe ... read more

• Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) with the Kluane Red Squirrel Project (KRSP)
The Kluane Red Squirrel Project is an interdisciplinary, large-scale field study designed to test the importance of food abundance to the ecology and ... read more

University of Connecticut

(Storrs, CT)
• Mystic Aquarium - Research Experiences for Undergraduates
The Mystic Aquarium Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) will recruit and support the training of students over 10 weeks during the summer. A ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Florida

(Gainesville, FL)
• International Research Experience for Students in China
The University of Florida will offer an International Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students Program funded by the National Science Foundatio ... read more

University of Georgia

(Athens, GA)
• Population Biology of Infectious Diseases
The Population Ecology of Infectious Disease Site REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program is excited to invite 8-10 students for this com ... read more

University of Hawaii, Hilo

(Hilo, HI)
• Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES)
The University of Hawaii at Hilo's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded internship progr ... read more

• Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program
Welcome to the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science (TCBES) Graduate Program! The TCBES program is emerging as a center of excellen ... read more

University of Maine

(Orono, ME)
• Maine Sea Grant – NOAA Fisheries Undergraduate Internships in Sea-run Fish Research
Maine Sea Grant is partnering with NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) to provide opportunities for undergraduates to gain experience in ... read more
an IBP member program
• UMaine Darling Marine Center Summer Research Internships
Each summer the Darling Marine Center hosts about 25 undergraduate interns. Internships are typically 10 to 12 weeks in length, running from mid-May ... read more

University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science

(Cambridge, MD)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Estuarine Science
Are you looking for a summer research internship studying ocean, coastal or environmental science? We invite you to check out the Maryland Sea Grant S ... read more

University of Maryland, College Park

(College Park, MD)
• Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Estuarine Science
Are you looking for a summer research internship studying ocean, coastal or environmental science? We invite you to check out the Maryland Sea Grant S ... read more

University of Maryland, Eastern Shore

(Princess Anne, MD)
• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

(Amherst, MA)
• Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program Undergraduate Research Experience
Immersive Undergraduate Research Experience The global climate is changing rapidly, already impacting both human and natural systems. Over the next fe ... read more

University of Michigan

(Ann Arbor, MI)
• Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) with the Kluane Red Squirrel Project (KRSP)
The Kluane Red Squirrel Project is an interdisciplinary, large-scale field study designed to test the importance of food abundance to the ecology and ... read more

University of Minnesota

(Minneapolis, MN)
• Cedar Creek LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) Plant Community Ecology Internships
The Cedar Creek LTER has several opportunities for students and recent graduates to work as plant community ecology interns. Most positions run from J ... read more

• Paid summer REU internship: Prairie Ecology in western MN
The Echinacea Project is recruiting students to conduct research in the tallgrass prairie. Team Echinacea investigates ecology and evolution in fragme ... read more

University of New Hampshire

(Durham, NH)
• Undergrad Internships at Shoals Marine Laboratory
Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML) located on Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals, Maine offers summer research internships for undergraduate college studen ... read more

University of New Mexico

(Albuquerque, NM)
• Sevilleta Field Station REU Undergraduate Research Program in Aridland Ecology and Art
This interdisciplinary REU Site Program at the Sevilleta Field Station in central New Mexico will train undergraduate students who will conduct indepe ... read more

University of Texas, El Paso

(El Paso, TX)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity
The goal of this NSF funded program is to provide undergraduate students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field b ... read more

University of Virginia

(Charlottesville, VA)
• Blandy Experimental Farm REU
Since 1992 Blandy has provided Undergraduate Research Fellowships to students interested in ecology and environmental science. We have been aided in t ... read more

• REU opportunities at the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available with the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological ... read more
an IBP member program
• REU: Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Field Research at Mountain Lake Biological Station
Mountain Lake Biological Station's Research Experiences for Undergraduates program brings undergraduate students from around the country together for ... read more

University of Washington

(Seattle, WA)
• Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Parasite Ecology
The Wood Lab at the University of Washington is hiring four undergraduate students for a 10-week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) interns ... read more

Virginia Institute of Marine Science

(Gloucester Point, VA)
• Summer Intern Program (SIP)
Each year the Summer Intern Program - Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) places 12 undergraduat ... read more

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

(Blacksburg, VA)
• REU opportunities at the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER
National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available with the Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological ... read more
an IBP member program

Western Washington University

(Bellingham, WA)
• Shannon Point Marine Center Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
The Shannon Point Marine Center's (SPMC) Research Experiences for Undergraduates program will support guided, independent research on the part of eigh ... read more

Wildlife Conservation Society

(Bronx, NY)
• The Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR) Program - REU in Conservation and Urban Ecology
Our CSUR program is designed to provide undergraduates an opportunity to conduct an independent research project under the guidance of a Fordham Unive ... read more

Woods Hole Diversity Advisory Committee

(Woods Hole, MA)
• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

(Woods Hole, MA)
• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program

Woodwell Climate Research Center

(Falmouth, MA)
• The Polaris Project
The Polaris Project is training the next generation of arctic scientists. Undergraduate students should apply today to be a part of the next expeditio ... read more

• Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) Internship
The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is a multi-institutional program between the 6 Woods Hole scientific institutions and the academic ... read more
an IBP member program


Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch

(Elgin, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

Arizona State University

(Tempe, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

California Conservation Corps

(Sacramento, CA)
• Watershed Stewards Program
Join a team of 48 committed individuals throughout California engaged in watershed protection, community outreach and education, and restoration proje ... read more

California Sea Grant

(La Jolla, CA)
• Watershed Stewards Program
Join a team of 48 committed individuals throughout California engaged in watershed protection, community outreach and education, and restoration proje ... read more

Chicago Botanic Garden

(Chicago, IL)
• Conservation and Land Management Internship Program
Each year, the Conservation and Land Management Internship Program places recent college graduates in five-month paid internships to assist biologists ... read more

Coral Restoration Foundation

(Tavernier, FL)
• Coral Conservation and Reef Restoration Internship
Coral Restoration Foundation is the world's largest non-profit marine-conservation organization dedicated to restoring coral reefs to a healthy state ... read more

Dauphin Island Sea Lab

(Dauphin Island, AL)
• Fisheries Ecology Lab Internships
The Fisheries Ecology Lab is seeking interns to work under the faculty direction of Dr. Sean Powers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on a wide variety of ... read more

Geological Society of America

(Boulder, CO)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

• Scientists in Parks (SIP) Interns
Scientists in Parks provides immersive, paid work experiences in natural resource fields so the next generation of park stewards-especially those unde ... read more

Haskell Indian Nations University

(Lawrence, KS)
• BioGEM Program in Biodiversity and genetic evolutionary mechanisms
BioGEM is a postbaccalaureate program committed to training scholars in research that integrates biodiversity science with genetic evolutionary mechan ... read more
an IBP member program

Maria Mitchell Association

(Nantucket, MA)
• Natural Science Museum Internship
The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) is offering two internship positions at its Natural Science Museum during the summer. The Natural Scien ... read more

National Audubon Society

(New York, NY)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

(Washington, DC)
• Watershed Stewards Program
Join a team of 48 committed individuals throughout California engaged in watershed protection, community outreach and education, and restoration proje ... read more

Native Plant Trust

(Framingham, MA)
• Atkinson & Lovejoy Conservation Internships
Native Plant Trust is the nation's first plant conservation organization and the only one solely focused on New England's native plants. We save nativ ... read more

• Marylee Everett Conservation Internship
Marylee Everett Conservation Internship Native Plant Trust is the nation's first plant conservation organization and the only one solely focused on Ne ... read more

NOAA Sea Grant

(Silver Spring, MD)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Northern Arizona University

(Flagstaff, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

(Salem, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Oregon Sea Grant

(Corvallis, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Oregon State University

(Corvallis, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

Portland State University

(Portland, OR)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

(Washington, DC)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

U.S. Department of the Interior

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

(Washington, DC)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

(Arlington, VA)
• Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program
Oregon Sea Grant is excited to announce our sixth annual Summer Scholars Program for eligible undergraduates. This ten-week program places high calibe ... read more

U.S. Forest Service

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

U.S. National Park Service

(Washington, DC)
• Scientists in Parks (SIP) Interns
Scientists in Parks provides immersive, paid work experiences in natural resource fields so the next generation of park stewards-especially those unde ... read more

University of Arizona

(Tucson, AZ)
• Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the National Audubon Society Research Fellowship
At Audubon Southwest, we seek science-based solutions to the biggest threats facing the region's birds, other wildlife, habitats, and communities. We ... read more

University of California, Irvine

(Irvine, CA)
• UC Irvine CLIMATE Justice Initiative
The CLIMATE (Cultural, Learning, and Institutional Model to Accelerate Transformations for Environmental) Justice Initiative tackles issues of local c ... read more

University of Hawaii, Hilo

(Hilo, HI)
• Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program
Welcome to the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science (TCBES) Graduate Program! The TCBES program is emerging as a center of excellen ... read more

University of Kansas

(Lawrence, KS)
• BioGEM Program in Biodiversity and genetic evolutionary mechanisms
BioGEM is a postbaccalaureate program committed to training scholars in research that integrates biodiversity science with genetic evolutionary mechan ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Maine

(Orono, ME)
• UMaine Darling Marine Center Summer Research Internships
Each summer the Darling Marine Center hosts about 25 undergraduate interns. Internships are typically 10 to 12 weeks in length, running from mid-May ... read more

University of Minnesota

(Minneapolis, MN)
• Cedar Creek LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) Plant Community Ecology Internships
The Cedar Creek LTER has several opportunities for students and recent graduates to work as plant community ecology interns. Most positions run from J ... read more

University of South Alabama

(Mobile, AL)
• Fisheries Ecology Lab Internships
The Fisheries Ecology Lab is seeking interns to work under the faculty direction of Dr. Sean Powers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on a wide variety of ... read more

Postdoc & Early Career

Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation

(Hampton, NH)
• Whale Research and Marine Science Education Internships
We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated people to join us for our Summer Whale Research and Marine Science Education Internship Programs. This is a ... read more

Columbia University

(New York, NY)
• Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Climate Science
The Columbia Climate School at Columbia University in New York, NY, seeks applications from innovative, graduating doctoral candidates or recent Ph.D. ... read more

Geological Society of America

(Boulder, CO)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

• Scientists in Parks (SIP) Interns
Scientists in Parks provides immersive, paid work experiences in natural resource fields so the next generation of park stewards-especially those unde ... read more

Harvard University

(Cambridge, MA)
• Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University gives early career scientists a unique opportunity to start a ... read more
an IBP member program
• Putnam Fellowship in Plant Science
The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University announces the Putnam Research Fellowships, which offer excellent opportunities for advanced research and st ... read more
an IBP member program
• The Environmental Fellows Program
The Harvard University Center for the Environment created the Environmental Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Ha ... read more

International SeaKeepers Society

(Coral Gables, FL)
• Marine Science Expeditions on SeaKeepers' DISCOVERY Yacht Fleet
The International SeaKeepers Society has been networking with the private yachting and marine science communities since 1998 in an effort to provide a ... read more

Michigan State University

(East Lansing, MI)
• Fellowship in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
The Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) program at Michigan State invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ecology, Evolution, and Beh ... read more

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

(Washington, DC)
• Alaska Sea Grant State Fellowship Program
Applications are open for the Alaska Sea Grant State Fellowship, a unique professional opportunity for graduate students and recent graduates who have ... read more
an IBP member program

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC)

(Edgewater, MD)
• Graduate Fellowships at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (Edgewater, MD)
The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) offers the following fellowships to support research in residence at its facility in Edgewater, M ... read more

Smithsonian Institution

(Washington, DC)
• Graduate Fellowships at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (Edgewater, MD)
The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) offers the following fellowships to support research in residence at its facility in Edgewater, M ... read more

U.S. Department of the Interior

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

U.S. Forest Service

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

U.S. National Park Service

(Washington, DC)
• Scientists in Parks (SIP) Interns
Scientists in Parks provides immersive, paid work experiences in natural resource fields so the next generation of park stewards-especially those unde ... read more

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

(Fairbanks, AK)
• Alaska Sea Grant State Fellowship Program
Applications are open for the Alaska Sea Grant State Fellowship, a unique professional opportunity for graduate students and recent graduates who have ... read more
an IBP member program

University of Hawaii, Hilo

(Hilo, HI)
• Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program
Welcome to the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science (TCBES) Graduate Program! The TCBES program is emerging as a center of excellen ... read more

Faculty & Administrators

Geological Society of America

(Boulder, CO)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

International SeaKeepers Society

(Coral Gables, FL)
• Marine Science Expeditions on SeaKeepers' DISCOVERY Yacht Fleet
The International SeaKeepers Society has been networking with the private yachting and marine science communities since 1998 in an effort to provide a ... read more

U.S. Department of the Interior

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

U.S. Forest Service

(Washington, DC)
• GeoCorps America
Engage with Geoscience on U.S. Public Lands!

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America (GSA), operated in partnership with ... read more

University of Hawaii, Hilo

(Hilo, HI)
• Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program
Welcome to the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science (TCBES) Graduate Program! The TCBES program is emerging as a center of excellen ... read more

Research Centers

• Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program
Welcome to the Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science (TCBES) Graduate Program! The TCBES program is emerging as a center of excellen ... read more

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Program Icons

a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

an airplane denotes a study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

icon indicating a short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

icon indicating a nationwide programNationwide programs are not based at individual institutions

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