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Programs at institutions beginning with the letter D:

Dartmouth College

(Hanover, NH)
Center for OLDest Ice EXploration (COLDEX) REU
During your COLDEX REU experience, you will work with ice core scientists and researchers to answer questions that will help in our mission to find the oldest ice in Antarctic more
funded by NSF
Joint Science Education Project (JSEP)
The Institute of Arctic Studies at Dartmouth College facilitates a polar science program for U.S. students called the Joint Science Education Project (JSEP). JSEP offers two e more
an IBP member programfunded by NSFstudy abroad program
MD-PhD Undergraduate Summer Fellowship
The Dartmouth MD-PhD Undergraduate Summer (MPUS) Fellowship Program is a new initiative aimed at exposing undergraduates, especially members of historically underrepresented e more
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Life Sciences
Dartmouth's Academic Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (ASURE) provides summer research experience to undergraduates. Focusing on academic research, networking, men more
funded by NSF

Dauphin Island Sea Lab

(Dauphin Island, AL)
Discovery Hall Environmental Education Internship in Marine Science
Discovery Hall Programs (DHP) has two 9 week summer internship positions available for an undergraduate (sophomore, junior, senior) or recent graduate from groups currently un more
funded by NOA
Fisheries Ecology Lab Internships
The Fisheries Ecology Lab is seeking interns to work under the faculty direction of Dr. Sean Powers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on a wide variety of projects in waters adjac more
funded by NOA
Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab
The focus of the REU Program is to provide participants with the opportunity to carry out an independent research project while working under the direction of a faculty mentor more
funded by NSF

Delaware State University

(Dover, DE)
NSF/AMP Undergraduate Research Program
The National Science Foundation and Philadelphia Region Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NSF/AMP) Undergraduate Research Program allows university science, en more
funded by NSF

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

(Denver, CO)
Teen Science Scholar Internships
This is a complete hands-on summer internships with Science Division staff at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Teen interns strengthen their investigative and commun more
funds international students

Des Moines Area Community College

(Des Moines, IA)
Inclusive STEM Teaching Project
This spring the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project, a NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education program, is hosting a six-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Join a communit more
funded by NSF
The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project
The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project, a NSF grant-funded program, hosts content through two modalities: an asynchronous course offered on edX or a blended learning opportunity more
funded by NSFopportunity

Diné College

(Tsaile, AZ)
Arizona NASA Space Grant Program: Research Intern Undergraduate Scholarships & STEM Outreach Graduate Fellowships
The Arizona NASA Space Grant Consortium, led by a statewide team of managers and affiliate representatives, is part of The NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Pro more
funded by NASAportable funding

Dodge City Community College

(Dodge City, KS)
Research Immersion: Pathways to STEM (RiPS) -Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
RiPS is an 8-week summer research program offered by the Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. This program pairs students with research mentors who help st more
funded by NSF

Don Danforth Plant Science Center

(St. Louis, MO)
REU at the Danford Plant Science Center
Laboratory Research Internships at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in molecular biology, biochemistry, and related fields. more
funded by NSF

Donnelly College

(Kansas City, KS)
Research Immersion: Pathways to STEM (RiPS) -Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
RiPS is an 8-week summer research program offered by the Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. This program pairs students with research mentors who help st more
funded by NSF

Drexel University

(Philadelphia, PA)
Injury Science Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
The Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, a leading multidisciplinary injury research center, has secured for fundin more
an IBP member programfunded by NSF
NSF/AMP Undergraduate Research Program
The National Science Foundation and Philadelphia Region Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NSF/AMP) Undergraduate Research Program allows university science, en more
funded by NSF

Duke University

(Durham, NC)
APSA Ralph Bunche Summer Institute
Named in honor of the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize winner and former APSA President, Ralph J. Bunche, the RBSI encourages students to pursue academic careers in political science by more
funded by NSF
Duke University SROP (Summer Research Opportunity Program)
The Duke University Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is a 10-week training program designed to give motivated undergraduate students hands-on experience in graduate- more
funds international students
NextGenPop - Undergraduate Program in Population Research
NextGenPop offers undergraduates an on-campus research training experience over the summer, virtual research and professional development workshops throughout the academic yea more
funded by NIHfunds international students
Research Triangle – Research Experience for Undergraduates (RT-REU) on Hybrid Perovskite Materials
The RTNN hosts a collaborative REU site that leverages the strength of collaborative research on hybrid materials, specifically hybrid perovskites, together with the integrate more
funded by NSF
REU Program in Nuclear and Particle Physics at TUNL/Duke University
Students applying to this program have a choice of selecting to participate in one of two research components: (1) nuclear and particle physics at the Triangle Universities Nu more
funded by NSFstudy abroad program
Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics (SIBS)
The Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics (SIBS), sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Center for Advancing Translational Scien more
funded by NIHstudy abroad program
Summer Undergraduate Research Program -Grand Challenges of Engineering for the 21 Century
The Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University is offering a National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program during the summer. Thro more
funded by NSF
SURPH@Duke Summer: Undergraduate Research in Pharmacology & Cancer Biology
This ten-week summer research experience focuses on learning how scientific discovery at the bench can be translated to treatment of disease. Students will train with a facul more
funded by NSF

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Program Icons

a flag denotes an institution that is the lead of an allianceInstitution that is the lead of an alliance

upcoming deadlineUpcoming deadline

study abroad opportunityProgram includes a study abroad component

short-term opportunityDifferent from a program, an opportunity is generally short-term; they include paid workshops, travel funds, or professional development opportunities

nationwide programNationwide programs are not based at individual institutions

just postedProgram Just Posted

portable fundingPortable Funding

funding for international studentsFunds International Students

 recently updatedProgram recently updated