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Post-doctoral Fellows for recent PhD's in Mathematics

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Academic Level:
Postdoc & Early Career

MSRI will appoint 6-8 Postdoctoral Fellows to each of the programs. Fellowship applications are reviewed by program organizers and the Human Resources Advisory Committee, who recommend finalists to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for approval at its January meeting. Awards will be announced by early February.


These awards provide support for five months. The fellowship stipend is currently $6,600 per month, with a travel subsidy for one round-trip from your current institution, and a research travel budget of $600. Health insurance is also provided. Postdoctoral fellows cannot receive any other monetary compensation during their PD fellowship at MSRI.

In addition, MSRI's postdoctoral program has some endowed fellowships. There is no need to apply separately for these positions which carry a monthly stipend of $7,500 per month and a research travel budget of $600 for one semester. Awards will be made competitively, from nominees submitted by the organizing committees of the programs.

MSRI strives to include a diverse community of mathematicians in its programs. Recognizing that family issues can present barriers to participation, MSRI is committed to maintaining family-friendly policies and, when possible, facilitating appropriate arrangements for partners and children of program members.
Recently updated.portable fundingaccepts non-us citizens

Application Deadline: 11/15/2024

Participating Institution(s):
(Click an institution to see all programs it hosts or sponsors)
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (Lead)

Program Materials:
 • Postdoc Website this link takes you to a different website

This Program can be Described by:
Academic Disciplines:

Accelerator Physics
Linear Algebra
Plasma Physics
Theoretical Chemistry

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This program is funded by:
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Page last updated 7/11/2024
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